Open Call

Calling all writers, big-talkers, fast walkers…the quiet ones, the ravers, the saviors and the misbehavers…the cute ones, the astute ones, the insightful and the delightful. We want all the dad jokes and all the puns.

New York City, we want your stories, your conversations, your quotes, and all the delicious anecdotes. Get published in our first edition of the pocket magazine that delights in the grime and the highlights of the melting pot in which we live.

Calling all photographers, artists, designers, and doodlers…all the cartoonists – the sane ones and the looniest.

New York City, we want to see from your perspective. Share a photograph, or series of them, artwork that encapsulates this urban playground, a cartoon about a pizza dream, or perhaps little doodle of your daily routine. Get your images published in our inaugural issue of NYC English magazine, a pocket-sized reader all about NYC, designed to distract you from your phone, while you roam these streets you call home.

Pre-Order NYC English

For $6.00, you can pre-order your copy of the inaugural issue of NYC English and your name will be printed in the inaugural issue as a founding producer.   NYC English is a bootstrap operation, and rather than seek private investment to get ourselves off the ground, we’ve chosen to crowdfund our first issue and create a solid independent foundation to build upon.  $5000 will allow us to print 1000 copies of the first edition, which is where we aim to start out.  Pre-order your copy today and share NYC English with your friends.  Thanks for being a part of something…

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